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4-2 Final Project Milestone Two First Appearance

4-2 Final Project Milestone Two First Appearance

Q FMM 208: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide Overview The final project for this course is the creation of presentation tracing a garment over time. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency as students will demonstrate recognition for various garments worn during each costume period, including basic terminology, analyzing important historical impacts on the garment as well as its development over time and what traces are present in today’s fashions. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted in Modules Three, Four, Six, and the final product Module Seven. Outcomes To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include several of the following course outcomes: • Analyze important, global historical events of each costume period and identify the effects of these events on clothing development • Demonstrate recognition of the basic garments worn during each costume period • Demonstrate knowledge of basic terminology characterizing each costume period • Demonstrate an understanding of clothing development over time and place • Create and share a project that demonstrates their understanding of and ability to apply the concepts of fashion and costume presented in the course Main Elements The topic for this presentation will be your choice of a garment, the development of which you will trace over time. Your final product will contain photographs, illustrations, etc. in addition to a written description of your garment and its changes over time. You may present using Word, PowerPoint, Prezi, or PDF. Your final product should be between 3–5 pages including photos and drawings. You can look to your weekly overviews for guidance on how to incorporate yesterday’s looks into today’s looks. Milestone Two: First Appearance (graded: see Final Project Milestone Rubric) In Task 4-2, you will submit one paragraph describing when the garment you are tracing first appeared. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment looked

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Dresses first appeared in the 11th century and then continued to develop by getting transitioned with the inclusion of petticoats, corsets, gowns, jackets, waistcoats, etc. The lengths of the dresses also got varied with the advancements in the mentalities/attitudes of the people towards broadmindedness. The early dresses had been made with the presence of bodice laces which had been pointed (Steele, 2017).